Tuesday, February 7, 2012

i tend to dislike blogs that...

only tell you the good stuff. that cause you to feel like you are the worst mom b/c of blank, blank, or blank. if it makes you feel bad don't read it. seriously. some people honestly just have a really good outlook on life. i try to be one of those people. but sometimes things are hard and sad and i just want to pull it together, but i just can't seem to.

so today i am bringing you some truth. i am sad. i cry a lot. i am obsessed with decorating my house right now b/c it distracts me from real life. i have a hard time forcing myself to get ready everyday. i hate running. my basement is messy and i need to clean my house.

see this is why we prefer to read the happy stuff. this just sounds like complaining and sorta annoying. it's like..."pull it together, libby." but let's be real. none of us have it together. even if someone seems like they do...they don't. not below the surface. let's all just be real together. sometimes seasons of life are hard. this is one of them.


  1. Libby- I love this post! I have read your blog from the beginning but have never left a comment before. I've been in a much similar season lately and can relate all to well as a wife, mommy and well, woman with emotions. Thanks for always keeping it real and sharing life. Like you said, it's a season. Things will change. The house will get cleaned *eventually* and life carries on. God is good in every season and in every day. Good and bad.

  2. Amen, Libby. amen. i keep saying that. the people you think are the best put together folks ... deep down they have so much trouble & sadness. not that we should delight in that. but rather lift up a prayer for them. we all have such problems. not that they are the same but we can all sympathize & not judge. no judging allowed. remember the sign "no girls allowed" ... it should be the same with judging ... come together & support one another. you are allowed to feel how you feel. it's cool. enjoy your decorating. in time what is on your mind & heart will be fixed or put right. it will all work out soon enough. big hugs. (:

  3. I hardly follow any blogs were everything is perfect. My blog is sad sometimes and its ok. Its real.

  4. So refreshing to read your post today Libby. I'm sorry to hear that you're sad, but I totally get it. I've been sad lately too after losing someone who was close to me and honestly it sort of makes me feel better when I read that other people are going through hard times too. It makes you feel not so alone. I honestly can't even stand to look at the happy, happy, perfect, perfect blogs right now, it's almost painful for some reason, I guess since I'm so far from that place in my life right now. Thanks for being real with everyone, I appreciate it. I like what you said, some seasons of life are hard. They definitely are, but hopefully new and better things will begin soon.

  5. You speak the truth! I am in no way trying to dismiss what you are saying, and I could be wrong, but I am going through a similar "season of life" right now, and I can't help but think that it has something to do with the time of year in addition to all the other "stuff." It has something to do with the post-Christmas let-down with the removal of decorations and fewer fun events to attend. I've found myself needing projects to keep me occupied: redecorating our bedroom, making a Valentine wreath, and, ummm, online shopping. OK that last one sounded really bad, but it's the truth. My husband claims I get like this every January, but this year it has flowed over into February. I'm clinging to "this too shall pass" as my mantra these days, but some days it doesn't seem to help. I hope you get to feeling better. You're not alone in this, and it's perfectly ok be real on your blog. That's probably the most helpful thing I've seen in a while, just to know that another woman, another mom is feeling similar. Thanks for keeping it real!

  6. Libby,
    Thank you for being so transparent and honest! It is refreshing:)Im laughing about the running thing. Im so with you on that. So many people i know run and seem like they love it and i dont get it:)
    Love reading your blog!

  7. I so agree. My blog is like my life......plain simple truth. Once in awhile I will throw a project in or something I decorated. The bogs that only talk about there decorating and nothing else to me is boring.
    You are prbably just getting used to a normal life. Last year was such a time for you.
    I hope that you are feeling better soon. (((((HUGS))))

  8. oh how i get this. thanks for keeping it real Libby.

  9. i LOVE your honesty!! I have been following your blog for a while now, and I have enjoyed each post, but especially this one!! I want to write an honesty post now! Sometimes its hard to let the world know the real you, but why hide it , right?? Thanks for the inspiration!!!!

  10. I love your honesty. You always tell the good and the bad. Too many people sugar coat their blogs. Or simply just show what they have!

  11. I think we ALL have those days and seasons... but we know that nothing is the same the next day and if anything in life is certain it is change. But I do agree, it is hard to post about the real, not positive, every day blahness that we sometimes have. I love reading the good and the bad blog posts ha it makes me remember that not everything is picture perfect! I need to write an honesty post too... you've challenged me lol (don't know whether to thank you or be mad at you hahahahaahha jk!)

  12. I *completely* agree! I always feel bad blogging about our mundane life...and the ridiculous things that happen...mostly because I am wondering if it is just complaining. I think instead it is just being truthful about what is going on...and, at least for me, there is something therapeutic about it. Hang on...it's gotta get better...right? ;-)

  13. great post. if you know slugs and bugs, maybe youve heard this song: "God makes messy things beautiful." you can be messy. It's how he works. and there's no rush.

  14. Then you would love my blog ;) haha I'm always whining. JK but I do share when I am going through rough patches. I know sometimes when I am going through something hard I should be more dependent on the Lord and be stronger, but sometimes I just can't. Sometimes, it just feels good to cry and say I can't do it. And I think that is when God really speaks to us about HIS strength and how HE will strengthen us. I love your honesty. I love your courage. But I love that you are human and so easy to relate to. I will be praying for you Libby, hoping God pulls you out of this season and into a more joyful one!

  15. Libby -
    It's ok to be sad - and maybe decorating will help with that. It's ok to have distractions ... everyone needs them sometimes. Sometimes you just need to have a few days where you don't have to think about things ... but you can create! Don't be so hard on yourself. I think you should decorate & make your new space feel like it's yours. And, of course, post pictures so we can see what you've done!! I'm praying for you!!

  16. I hate running to. Loathe it. I always get so annoyed about my friends' Facebook posts that LOVE running and are out doing it at 5am because that's when it's quiet and still and beautiful. Sorry, I prefer my warm cocoon of a bed any day. But I run, and I'm even doing a huge relay race this year with friends...I still hate running. I wish I loved it. Thanks for not sugar coating anything. You're awesome. ~Julie

  17. I love bloggers who are honest, like your post today just was. Makes me not feel so bad about myself when I don't get out of my pj's for days. At least I get out of bed, right? I hate to run, I used to love exercising but can't seem to motivate myself to attempt it these days. Just know you aren't alone, you aren't the only one who cries a lot, don't beat yourself up. We women got to stick together..... hope things brighten up for you Libby.

  18. thank you for this post and your blog. I must admit, i have been thinking about stop reading your blog. I want your marriage - the connection, the being there for each other, the sprititual aspect. My marriage is not that and i am wanting my husban to be. we are in different points in our spiritual walk and so it can be lonely sometimes. I feel like reading about your marriage and togetherness and even your fights make me envious or not as connected to my husband in a way. But, I am drawn to you. Youi do inspire me to be a better wife, mother, woman, and child of God. I know you are not perfect, or have a perfect marriage, or a perfect life. THank you for the inspiration and the honesty. I feel like you push me. Congrats on one year!!! You are beautiful inside and out


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